Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of your station.
Test All Media offers Content Check, a unique face-off module capable of testing any type of audio. Our patented technology allows you to put a listener into a real-world listening environment where you can track…
- how long they listen before they switch
- when they switch
- where they switch to
- why they switched
Track and understand listeners’ behavior!
With Content Check, create a radio face-off between your station and other stations in your market or even test a new format. A virtual radio experience enables you to see what songs caused your audience to switch to another station.
Test All Media’s Content Check offers you the opportunity to analyze the flow of your station and become more familiar with your audience’s preferences.
Pre-Release Songs
HitPredictor has shown incredible accuracy in determining the hit potential of new songs prior to airplay.
Music Research
RateTheMusic, powered by Test All Media, helps music providers (labels, management, etc.) obtain actionable information about the music tastes of their target audiences.
Website Analysis
The Test All Media online research platform is the best place to start the quest to find out what turns your potential listeners into long-term fans and customers.